Don’t panic! There are certainly uncertain economic times ahead but instead focusing on what you can’t control, stay calm, make a plan, and do everything you can to gain or better your employment. Connect with a recruiter! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are already laying-off employees, and over 10 million Americans have filed for unemployment in the past month. Being prepared and staying connected during this time is essential.
Applying to jobs can be a daunting, laborious and frustrating process. I’ve heard countless candidates state that applying to jobs online is equivalent to sending your resume into a Black Hole. Most job applicants never get any feedback from the company other than an email confirmation. Use your time more wisely and reach out to a qualified recruiter, one that maintains deep industry specialization and connections in your field. For the past 15 years, I have focused on legal placements. My clients are law firms and corporations who partner with Ignite Recruitment to identify best in market Contract Attorneys, Associates, Partners, Patent Agents, and Paralegals.
It is essential to find a recruiter who has experience in your field. I recommend speaking with several recruiters and finding one that makes you feel comfortable and keeps your search confidential. When you entrust them with your resume and transcript, you should feel confident that your documents are in safe hands. An ethical recruiter never submits a candidate’s resume without their permission. Make sure to keep track of where your resume is going. I highly recommend you work with one recruiter at a time. You don’t want two different recruiters submitting you to the same client or company. Working with multiple recruiters at one time can create client overlap and can cause confusion or disarray if the candidate has been submitted numerous times to the same job opening.
Reasons you should contact a recruiter today:
· As previously mentioned, most recruiters have industry-specific knowledge and experience. Therefore, recruiters offer industry insight and they can make your job search easier.
· Recruiters can assist you with your resume and cover letter if needed. Usually, recruiters have insight into what skills the client is looking for in an ideal candidate so they are great at making your resume more attractive to the client.
· Recruiters also have access to numerous jobs at the same time. Most of the time, recruiters will tell you about multiple openings unless you work in a niche area. They are motivated to pitch you to their clients. Once you are in the recruiter’s applicant tracking system (ATS), the recruiter will reach out to you about all opportunities that fit your background and skillset. This can save you a great deal of time.
· Recruiters act as your advocates and they want to help you get an interview. Recruiters communicate with the clients and help you schedule interviews.
· Most importantly, recruiters prepare you for the interview and help you land the job. When working with my candidates, I inform them of the interview format and provide them relevant background information about each interviewer. This really alleviates any interviewing jitters.
· After the interview, recruiters receive feedback from the clients. Most interviewees never get feedback after an interview. Recruiters can give candidates insight on why did not receive an offer. This can help you improve their interviewing skills for the next client interview.
· Once an offer has been made, recruiters can negotiate and ask questions on behalf of a candidate. Recruiters want to make placements so they function as a mediator during negotiations. Recruiters address all the important issues like salary, sign-on bonuses, benefits, and annual bonuses.
· Some recruiters work on retained searches. In other words, their client has paid in advance them to find the best candidate for a position so the client is working exclusively with the recruiter. In these instances, recruiters offer in-depth knowledge of exactly what the client is searching there for they only reach out to candidates who fit the client’s search criteria. Most recruiters are working on contingent searches. These recruiters get paid commission only when their candidate has accepted an offer after going through the interview process.
· Companies and firms have budgeted to work with search firms and recruiters. The candidate’s salary is never reduced to pay the placement fee. Most recruiters make a living from these placement fees so they are motivated to make placements. From a candidate’s perspective, working with a recruiter really makes the job search process easier and seamless.
Most professionals connect with colleagues and classmates on LinkedIn and in rare instances, these contacts may lead to new opportunities. Networking is essential to your career success and networking with the right recruiter is really a smart move during these uncertain times. Remember, it’s easier to find a job when you have a job. Working with a recruiter even if you aren’t actively looking is wise because learning about new opportunities is never a waste of time. Recruiters can add substantial value to your career growth and provide immediate insight regarding the current market trends. I am happy to work with the best clients in industry and nothing is more enjoyable than finding that perfect candidate to connect and place. It’s a win-win!